PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah NTT Area Geothermal Ulumbu memperoleh penghargaan di ajang Subroto Award 2022

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PT PLN (Persero) NTT Region Ulumbu Geothermal Area won an award at the Subroto Award 2022 event as first place in the performance category for the application of occupational safety and health and geothermal engineering for production work areas. PT Cogindo DayaBersama Unit Ulumbu plays a role in O&M Supporting PLTP Ulumbu with the current number of Cogindo employees of 65 people.

This award is an incentive for Cogindo PLTP Ulumbu to continue to improve its perfomance in the implematation of health and safety and geothermal engineering as well as pollution and or environmental demage control.